Το ΠΡΩΤΟ σου χρέος εχτελώντας τη θητεία σου στη ράτσα, είναι να νιώσεις μέσα σου όλους τους προγόνους. Το ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟ, να φωτίσεις την ορμή και να συνεχίσεις το έργο τους. Το ΤΡΙΤΟ σου χρέος, να παραδώσεις στο γιο σου τη μεγάλη εντολή να σε ξεπεράσει. Νίκος Καζαντζάκης «ΑΣΚΗΤΙΚΗ».


Σάββατο 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Πάρε νάχεις ανόητε που τους πιστεύεις ακόμα. ΒΟΜΒΑ Ζάεφ από τις ΗΠΑ: "Δεν υπάρχει Μακεδονία στην Ελλάδα, Μακεδονία είμαστε ΜΟΝΟ εμείς"

Ο Πρωθυπουργός της ΠΓΔΜ Ζόραν Ζάεφ σε συνέντευξή του από τις ΗΠΑ όπου βρίσκεται, δήλωσε σήμερα ότι «δεν υπάρχει άλλη Μακεδονία εκτός από τη δική μας».  Συγκεκριμένα ο κ. Ζάεφ τόνισε, λίγες μέρες πριν από το δημοψήφισμα στη γειτονική χώρα, "αδειάζοντας"...
-όπως έγραψε πολλές φορές το makpress- κάθε επιχείρημα των στελεχών του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ που υπερασπίζονται την άθλια συμφωνία των Πρεσπών:

«Το βόρειο τμήμα της Ελλάδας είναι Ελλάδα, το δυτικό τμήμα της Βουλγαρίας είναι Βουλγαρία. Δεν υπάρχει άλλη Μακεδονία πέρα από τη δική μας. Δεν υπάρχει άλλη στον κόσμο. Και γνωρίζοντας την προοπτική και το μέλλον αυτό πρέπει να το κάνουμε για τις επόμενες γενιές, για τα παιδιά μας. Και για αυτό πιστεύω ότι ένας σοβαρός λόγος για να ενωθούμε».

Σημείωσε παράλληλα πως «δεν πρέπει να διχαζόμαστε, για το δημοψήφισμα. Θα ήθελα να απευθύνω έκκληση σε όλους τους συμπολίτες μας που ζουν στην Αμερική, αλλά και σε όλη τη διασπορά μας, ότι η «Μακεδονία» εκπληρώνει την προσδοκώμενη φιλοδοξία των πατέρων και των παππούδων μας».

Ο κ. Ζάεφ συνέχισε λέγοντας πως έτσι «η χώρα αναγνωρίζεται σε όλο τον κόσμο» ενώ τόνισε ότι «κανείς δεν θα μπορεί να αρνηθεί τη «μακεδονική» ταυτότητα πλέον».

Washington, 21 September 2018 (MIA) - A delegation led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev paid an official visit to the White House late Thursday and met US Vice President Mike Pence. Zaev gave brief interview with MIA after the meeting.

Mr. Zaev, we know that the White House gives political support to the referendum and to Macedonia’s entry into NATO. Does the United States give concrete support in the economy, defence and security of our country?

- At the meeting with Vice President Mike Pence we were seriously encouraged for success in the upcoming referendum. The US supported us throughout the entire process in finding a solution to the name dispute with Greece, which was resolved bilaterally, but also encouraged and motivate us. Since our independence the United States has given over US$1.25 billion aid to Macedonia in all spheres. They gave support in defence, education, judiciary and other areas. In defence sphere, what we expect is support by enhancing army’s interoperability with NATO. USA is the biggest partner in our new partnership with the Alliance and I believe that this support will continue in the future, because we have proven this when we were not NATO member, but now when we are to become part of the Alliance, the support will be even greater.

What is your view about the Macedonian diaspora in North America in regard to the referendum? We know that that there is a division in regard to the issue of Macedonia’s admission in NATO and EU.

- I regret that the division in the diaspora is greater than in Macedonia in regard to the referendum. In Macedonia, vast majority of citizens will vote “yes”, however I believe that major part of the opposition will vote “yes” and the referendum will be successful. Our diaspora is important to us as at home. I would like to appeal to all of our fellow citizens who live in America, but also throughout our diaspora, that Macedonia fulfills the centuries-old aspiration of our fathers and grandfathers. It is finally for us to be a country that is recognised by the entire world, where Macedonian people live which will be recognised by all, with a confirmed identity that no one will ever deny it and confirmed and recognised Macedonian language. No one will deny the Macedonian identity anymore! We should all be proud of this.

I share the discontent of our fellow citizens in diaspora with the “north” addendum in the name is not easy to accept. But there is no other Macedonia but our. The northern part of Greece is Greece, the western part of Bulgaria is Bulgaria. This is our Macedonia and there will be no other in the world. Being aware what kind of perspective and future we provide for the state, but above all for our children and generations to come, I believe that this is really a serious reason to unite. With these words, I want to motivate everyone. Regardless of whether we are registered and whether we want to vote or not, I think that Macedonia needs the support of the diaspora. But this time it's important that everyone, no matter where we are, at home or in Australia, Canada, America or Europe - all to support this unique alternative for Macedonia.

Mr. Zaev, does Macedonia receive US assistance in combat against Russian cyber-attacks in social media through a campaign for boycotting the referendum?

- Russia publicly states that it opposes Macedonia's membership in NATO, and it is their legitimate right. We point out that for us there is no alternative, but full NATO and EU membership. We want to build friendship with the Russian Federation, and to improve relations, but definitely more than 80% of citizens are for NATO and EU membership. There may be some activities that take place on social networks. But I cannot say that it is an enmity towards Macedonia. Although more than 82 percent of the people are for the West. All have the opportunity to get out and vote in the referendum, express their will and thus giving the direction towards which Macedonia will move.

We do not receive any concrete support from the US in the combat against the Russian propaganda. The US principally supports us in this. In dealing with fake news at home, we use all of our tools, such as journalists’ associations, associations for ethical standards in journalism, and we, as a government, with our public relations sectors, support these efforts by sharing the true news and eradicating the fake news. Fake news is everywhere, not only in Macedonia, and it is a global trend. There are tools for maximum sharing of fake news and these tools are used by individuals and groups, probably outside of Macedonia. We have no evidence that this is paid in the country, it certainly comes from outside players, but the citizens are wise enough to make difference between true and fake news. We are trying to combat disinformation so that the right and verified information can reach the citizens and to make the right decision both for the referendum, and for the processes that follow.

Boris Kamchev, MIA’s Washington correspondent


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