δημοσιεύτηκε μια μελέτη για αρχαιομεταλλουργική εξέταση των 27
πλινθωμάτων κασσίτερου LBA (1530 - 1300 π.Χ.) από πέντε τοποθεσίες στην
περιοχή της ανατολικής Μεσογείου, που καθιστά δυνατή την τοπική
εγκατάσταση των δυνητικών προμηθευτών των μεταλλευμάτων με χημικές και
ισοτοπικές αναλύσεις για πρώτη φορά.
Έτσι η
πρόσφατη ανάλυση των χάλκινων αντικειμένων την ανατολική Κρήτη, την
νότια Τουρκία και το παράκτιο Ισραήλ, επιβεβαιώνει ότι η πηγή κασσίτερου
ήταν η Κορνουάλη στην νοτιοδυτική Αγγλία (περίπου το 1.300 π.Χ.),
περιοχή του ποταμού Avon, που απέχει λιγότερο από μία ημέρα δρόμο από το
Συμπερασματικά από την έρευνα αυτή, που δημοσιεύτηκε τον Ιούνιο του 2019, φαίνεται ότι κατά τον 14ο αι. π.Χ ο κασσίτερος ερχόταν στην Μεσόγειο από την Κορνουάλη, άρα έχουμε μια σοβαρή απόδειξη της σχέσης του Κρητομυκηναϊκού πολιτισμού με τους Υπερβόρειους, όπως αναφέρει και ο Διόδωρος ο Σικελιώτης.
(*) The origin of the tin used for the production of bronze in the Eurasian Bronze Age is still one of the mysteries in prehistoric archaeology. In the past, numerous studies were carried out on archaeological bronze and tin objects with the aim of determining the sources of tin, but all failed to find suitable fingerprints. In this paper we investigate a set of 27 tin ingots from well-known sites in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Mochlos, Uluburun, Hishuley Carmel, Kfar Samir south, Haifa) that had been the subject of previous archaeological and archaeometallurgical research.
By using a combined approach of tin and lead isotopes together with trace elements it is possible to narrow down the potential sources of tin for the first time. The strongly radiogenic composition of lead in the tin ingots from Israel allows the calculation of a geological model age of the parental tin ores of 291 ± 17 Ma.
This theoretical formation age excludes Anatolian, central Asian and Egyptian tin deposits as tin sources since they formed either much earlier or later. On the other hand, European tin deposits of the Variscan orogeny agree well with this time span so that an origin from European deposits is suggested.
With the help of the tin isotope composition and the trace elements of the objects it is further possible to exclude many tin resources from the European continent and, considering the current state of knowledge and the available data, to conclude that Cornish tin mines are the most likely suppliers for the 13th–12th centuries tin ingots from Israel. Even though a different provenance seems to be suggested for the tin from Mochlos and Uluburun by the actual data, these findings are of great importance for the archaeological interpretation of the trade routes and the circulation of tin during the Late Bronze Age.
They demonstrate that the trade networks between the eastern Mediterranean and some place in the east that are assumed for the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE (as indicated by textual evidence from Kültepe/Kaneš and Mari) did not exist in the same way towards the last quarter of the millennium.
του Μ. Τσικριτσή
Συμπερασματικά από την έρευνα αυτή, που δημοσιεύτηκε τον Ιούνιο του 2019, φαίνεται ότι κατά τον 14ο αι. π.Χ ο κασσίτερος ερχόταν στην Μεσόγειο από την Κορνουάλη, άρα έχουμε μια σοβαρή απόδειξη της σχέσης του Κρητομυκηναϊκού πολιτισμού με τους Υπερβόρειους, όπως αναφέρει και ο Διόδωρος ο Σικελιώτης.
(*) The origin of the tin used for the production of bronze in the Eurasian Bronze Age is still one of the mysteries in prehistoric archaeology. In the past, numerous studies were carried out on archaeological bronze and tin objects with the aim of determining the sources of tin, but all failed to find suitable fingerprints. In this paper we investigate a set of 27 tin ingots from well-known sites in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Mochlos, Uluburun, Hishuley Carmel, Kfar Samir south, Haifa) that had been the subject of previous archaeological and archaeometallurgical research.
By using a combined approach of tin and lead isotopes together with trace elements it is possible to narrow down the potential sources of tin for the first time. The strongly radiogenic composition of lead in the tin ingots from Israel allows the calculation of a geological model age of the parental tin ores of 291 ± 17 Ma.
This theoretical formation age excludes Anatolian, central Asian and Egyptian tin deposits as tin sources since they formed either much earlier or later. On the other hand, European tin deposits of the Variscan orogeny agree well with this time span so that an origin from European deposits is suggested.
With the help of the tin isotope composition and the trace elements of the objects it is further possible to exclude many tin resources from the European continent and, considering the current state of knowledge and the available data, to conclude that Cornish tin mines are the most likely suppliers for the 13th–12th centuries tin ingots from Israel. Even though a different provenance seems to be suggested for the tin from Mochlos and Uluburun by the actual data, these findings are of great importance for the archaeological interpretation of the trade routes and the circulation of tin during the Late Bronze Age.
They demonstrate that the trade networks between the eastern Mediterranean and some place in the east that are assumed for the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE (as indicated by textual evidence from Kültepe/Kaneš and Mari) did not exist in the same way towards the last quarter of the millennium.
του Μ. Τσικριτσή
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